Nunn Lane Cattle, LLC, dba Madison's Sorghum Syrup
Website: none
Local producer (and 4th generation syrup maker) of 100% pure sorghum syrup. Our sorghum cane is grown locally in Morgan County in Bostwick, Ga. Our only product is “Madison’s Sorghum Syrup”, the syrup Gen. Sherman couldn’t refuse!
Our sorghum is gluten free, has no additives, is pesticide and herbicide free. During the syrup making process the juice from the sorghum cane is boiled and the impurities skimmed off as the water is evaporated. This process leaves only 100% pure sorghum syrup. Our farm is only one of two in the state of Georgia authorized to display the logo indicating pure sorghum syrup by the National Sweet Sorghum Producers and Processors Association (NSSPPA).
The 2014 crop will be milled and cooked on Saturday September 27th. We should have syrup available on 09/28/14. We will sell our syrup in 8 oz., 16 oz. and 32 oz. containers.