JavaGenesis Coffee Roasting
Website: www.javagenesiscoffeeroasting.com
JavaGenesis Coffee Roasting is a small batch craft roaster of specialty coffee. We source our coffee from the major growing regions around the world. All of our coffee will be roasted within 24-48 hours of the market to ensure our product is at peak freshness when it is delivered to you. Choose a trio of our 2 ounce sample size or a full pound bag and ‘Discover the Fresh Roast Difference’.
In addition to producing awesome coffee, promoting responsible environmental and/or social stewardship is important to us. Because Georgia does not have the climate needed to grow coffee, we use 3 importers to source our green coffee. We select coffee from our importers that have been farmed using sustainable practices and when possible we buy shade grown and/or fair trade organic coffees. We roast on a roaster which uses infrared burners, not open flame, atmospheric burners. IR burners produce substantially lower emissions than atmospheric burners. We are proud to roast our coffee on a ‘greener’ roaster. In addition we give all of our organic waste material (coffee chaff, coffee grounds, etc) to a local gardner to use in her vegetable garden.