Bee Factory
Website: www.kiddiebee.com
Our mission is to deliver products and services that provide “Better Living from the Beehive” as an important part of a natural, healthy and balanced lifestyle. We are comitted to providing i.) the very highest quality, best-tasting, certified all-natural and organic food products(Bee Factory products); and ii.) the very highest quality, efficacious, scientifically tested, and 100% natural health care products(Kiddie Bee products).
We currently offer raw local honey, honey straws, honey butter and our honey cough syrup to our Locally Grown customers. Our local honey is a wildflower blend that combines different honey flows during the season to provide the maximum benefit for allergy relief. Seasonally we also offer honey in the honeycomb and honey butter.
Finally we are comitted to educating the public about the values of protecting the environment (especially pollinators), supporting family farmers, and encouraging sustainable farming and land management practices. In this regard we offer speaking engagements on topics ranging from “why are bees in decline” to “planting a pollinator garden” to local and national organizations, garden clubs and schools.